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Monday, 28 March 2016



By Ifeanyi Chijioke
For Family Writers

I have not made any mistake when I made the context look like is Buhari that determines who committed a crime or not. What we are presently witnessing in this contraption called Nigerian is really strange. If Western Sahara and Palestine can be rightly and lawfully agitating for freedom, If self-determination can be revered and aided by Buhari in both countries while in Nigeria; he murder and incarcerate self-determination campaigners. This is a show of an emperor; what is good for the goose cannot be good for the ganda. He is abusing power and the Nigerian courts have really failed to tame this wild horse. They have found reason to do his bargain for their favour but have spared not posterity and justice.

Fulani herdsmen can kill millions and he would only look away but when militants or thugs kill one; he would deploy battalions to fight perpetrators. Nnamdi Kanu will be denied bail for lawfully doing what Buhari doesn't like but Yinusa will be given bail because he unlawfully did what Buhari loves. The worst development is the wife of Buhari has warned that if you criticize her; you will be locked up without water or food. Buhari married Aisha Buhari; the present first lady at her 9 years old. This marriage took place when Buhari was 45 years old. If Buhari married 9 years old child and Yinusa married Ese at 14 years; then it is certainly unfair criminalizing Yinusa. I got information that three man defense team stood for Yinusa; where he got such money to buy such lawyers means the power that be backed his deed.

To Buhari; Yinusa has committed no crime and should not suffer anything. Had Aisha Buhari reached 18 years before marriage, I can't imagine her marrying a 45 years old father. In other words; Aisha was kidnapped and forcefully put in a family way, you might call it official kidnapping but the Nigerian first lady saw hell in her tender age. Same horror Ese faced was same horror Aisha faced until she got accustomed to it. Don't be surprised as neither the President nor the First lady condemned this abduction and forceful marriage, the issue of conversion has won Yinusa praise by Buhari.

Pedophilia is not a crime in Nigeria as it is an Islamic culture and as an Islamic country, it becomes illegal to detain or punish Yinusa. My concern is why they have chosen to make Christian girls the subject of pedophilia. Did Allah said it must be Christian girls? Biafran children must not be at the mercy of religious and cultural violence and by means of demanding Biafra is asking for total end to infringements and violations of human right.

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