By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers
Am writing this letter to all Africans not just to brag about Biafra or Biafrans but to expose the bitter truth on the conspiracy going on against the Indigenous people of Biafra in Nigeria, We all know that during the 1967 Biafra-Nigeria civil war, Biafrans showed the whole world how mighty, courageous and strong they were. Am not talking in term of military capacity but in term of inventions, innovations, ideas, capabilities and development, am talking about how Biafrans managed the little they had to create weapons, telecommunications gadgets, vital armed cars and also discovered ways to refine their oil just in a short period of time. These were things Britain and America said we Africans couldn't do.
They said africa don't have that talent and the capability to even fly a plane. During the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, there was a story, perhaps apocryphal, that a Biafran plane landed in another African Nation and the pilot and all of the crew came out, and there was not a white man among them. The people of this other country-which is a stooge of France couldn't comprehend a plane being landed without any white people. They said, "Where is the pilot? Where are the white people?"They arrested the crew, presuming there had been a rebellion in the air! There was enough talent, enough education in Biafra for us to have been able to arrange our affairs more efficiently, more meticulously, even if not completely independently, than we were doing. I tell these stories to illustrate the quality of the people available to make Biafra a great, powerful, resourceful and dependable nation.
But this also shows how low the British government and Europe thought about we Africans. We were told, for instance, that technologically we would have to rely for a long, long time on the British and the West for everything. European oil companies insisted that oil-industry technology was so complex that we (Africans) would never ever in the next five hundred years be able to figure it out.
But of course Biafrans knew that wasn't true. In fact, Biafrans learned to refine their own oil during the two and a half years of the civil war between Nigeria, who was supported by world powers such as Britain, America, Russia etc. Because of the blockade and the limitations of support Biafrans had during the civil war they were able to demonstrate that it was possible for African people, entirely on their own, to refine oil, invent technology and other accessories. We were able to show Africans could pilot their own planes. That is why BIAFRA IS THE LIGHT OF AFRICA, because through us, we showed the whole world that Africa is capable of doing great things if given the chance. No disrespect to other Wonderful Africa nations, am merely stating the evidence of facts that transpired.
We africans may think because we got independence from our colonial masters that makes us a free people. But the question is this, is Africa truly free from their colonial masters? Are we free to make own decisions? Free to live on our own without the interference of foreign government? Are we free to create our own destiny? Are we free to not depend on foreign aid or support? Are we free to enjoy equality? Are we Africans truly enjoying freedom? Take a look at the so-called giant of Africa (Nigeria), look at the way their government totally depend on Britain and other European countries for solutions whenever there is a slight sign of trouble. The affairs of Nigeria is still 110% under the control of their colonial masters (Britain). Biafrans living in Nigeria are no longer willing to continue with the forceful marriage, and they are asking to exercise their rights to self-determination but the Nigeria government under the control of Britain is making sure they do all they can to stop Biafrans from having their own sovereign state because they still answer to Britain(their colonial masters).
Look at the injustice and genocidal acts that Britain helped Nigeria accomplish during the Nigeria-Biafra civil war. Britain stood behind their creation (Nigeria) while they killed over 3.5million innocent Biafrans, even some African countries ignorantly participated in such barbaric acts against the Biafran people. If only Africa knew what Biafrans were fighting for, if only they knew that through Biafra, Africa would have been truly liberated, they would have joined forces with Biafrans to break the strong hold of the British government in Africa. Look at other countries in Africa that were also affected badly because of foreign interference. What has United Nations truly done for Africa? What has Europe truly done for Africa? What has America truly done for Africa? Instead what they take from us is more than what they give to us. Giving us weapons to keep killing ourselves, is that help? Always making sure they give us a fraction so that we can keep coming to ask for more, Nonsense! Nigeria is the pride of Britain, in their eyes, Nigeria is still their wonderful creation and their strong hold in Africa, and they will not stand and watch their influence in Africa destroyed by the breakaway of Biafrans.
Biafrans call on every African country that think it’s time to break this bondage of our colonel masters over the people of Africa, should please stand with Biafra because Biafra is the key to restoring total freedom and dependability to all African nation. When Biafra finally breaks the limitation place on them by Britain all African Nation will finally be liberated and free to live their lives in peace and harmony, without any interference from any foreign government. Don't get me wrong, what am merely stating are evidence of facts going on in Nigeria under the influence of Britain. Most Africa leaders agree that Biafrans have the right to self-determination, therefore under no obligations should they been subjected to captivity.
But we need Africans and their leaders who believe in justice, equality, human right law, freedom and liberation, should please start speaking against the modern day slavery going on in Nigeria. Biafrans are very talented blessed and endowed. They are very hard working, courageous and kind. If not because of the tribalism, hatred, jealousy and envy demonstrated towards them by the Nigeria government, Biafrans would have created a great nation for Nigeria but all that is now in the past, we are no longer interested. Biafrans has set new records in the US and in the UK in education, in science and in technology, if given the opportunity through Biafra, Africa will see light. Biafra is the key to restoring light to Africa, and when I mean light am talking about, room for inventions, total freedom, Peace, tranquility, overall Development in African Nation, infrastructures, serenity, security, true justice and liberation to African Nation.
Britain created Nigeria not just for the oil wealth they were going to acquire but also to stop Biafrans from showing the world their true capabilities and also to gain control of Africa through Nigeria, that was why the so-called Nigeria was called "THE GIANT OF AFRICA". Africa needs to wake up, how long can we continue to sleep and let our colonel masters gain total control of us? How long? We need to break that chain of limitation placed on us and show the world our true capabilities. Biafrans have been fighting for a long time now for self-determination and they are very close to having a sovereign state of Biafra, and once that is achieved it will break the influence of European and Western control in Africa.
It will open doors to other Africa Countries to feel free to fight for their rights and gain total freedom from their colonel masters. But president Buhari who is tyrant, dictator and Africa hitler keep killing Biafrans who keep protesting for their freedom. He ordered his armed forces to shot at sight, whenever they come across any Biafran wearing a Biafra cap, shirt, symbol or even have an app of Biafra on their phones. Just less than a year he came into office, he has killed over 4000 Biafrans. That why I write this letter to my fellow Africans, so that they can observe the injustice and wickedness going on in Nigeria. We need Africans to know the pains and suffering we Biafrans are passing through in Nigeria. Other countries in the world have successful breakaway through self-determination, so why can't Biafrans do the same?
Richard West, a British journalist, during the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, was so captivated by the meticulous nature with which Biafrans conducted the affairs of state that he wrote a widely article in which he lamented: "Biafra is more than a human tragedy. Its defeat, I believe, would mark the end of African independence. Biafra was the first place I had been to in Africa where the Africans themselves were truly in charge".
This is why I call on all Africans and Africa leaders who believe in equality, fairness to all and total liberation to please stand with Biafra in this fight for freedom. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, GOD BLESS BIAFRA, GOD BLESS AFRICA!
By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers
Am writing this letter to all Africans not just to brag about Biafra or Biafrans but to expose the bitter truth on the conspiracy going on against the Indigenous people of Biafra in Nigeria, We all know that during the 1967 Biafra-Nigeria civil war, Biafrans showed the whole world how mighty, courageous and strong they were. Am not talking in term of military capacity but in term of inventions, innovations, ideas, capabilities and development, am talking about how Biafrans managed the little they had to create weapons, telecommunications gadgets, vital armed cars and also discovered ways to refine their oil just in a short period of time. These were things Britain and America said we Africans couldn't do.
They said africa don't have that talent and the capability to even fly a plane. During the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, there was a story, perhaps apocryphal, that a Biafran plane landed in another African Nation and the pilot and all of the crew came out, and there was not a white man among them. The people of this other country-which is a stooge of France couldn't comprehend a plane being landed without any white people. They said, "Where is the pilot? Where are the white people?"They arrested the crew, presuming there had been a rebellion in the air! There was enough talent, enough education in Biafra for us to have been able to arrange our affairs more efficiently, more meticulously, even if not completely independently, than we were doing. I tell these stories to illustrate the quality of the people available to make Biafra a great, powerful, resourceful and dependable nation.

But of course Biafrans knew that wasn't true. In fact, Biafrans learned to refine their own oil during the two and a half years of the civil war between Nigeria, who was supported by world powers such as Britain, America, Russia etc. Because of the blockade and the limitations of support Biafrans had during the civil war they were able to demonstrate that it was possible for African people, entirely on their own, to refine oil, invent technology and other accessories. We were able to show Africans could pilot their own planes. That is why BIAFRA IS THE LIGHT OF AFRICA, because through us, we showed the whole world that Africa is capable of doing great things if given the chance. No disrespect to other Wonderful Africa nations, am merely stating the evidence of facts that transpired.
We africans may think because we got independence from our colonial masters that makes us a free people. But the question is this, is Africa truly free from their colonial masters? Are we free to make own decisions? Free to live on our own without the interference of foreign government? Are we free to create our own destiny? Are we free to not depend on foreign aid or support? Are we free to enjoy equality? Are we Africans truly enjoying freedom? Take a look at the so-called giant of Africa (Nigeria), look at the way their government totally depend on Britain and other European countries for solutions whenever there is a slight sign of trouble. The affairs of Nigeria is still 110% under the control of their colonial masters (Britain). Biafrans living in Nigeria are no longer willing to continue with the forceful marriage, and they are asking to exercise their rights to self-determination but the Nigeria government under the control of Britain is making sure they do all they can to stop Biafrans from having their own sovereign state because they still answer to Britain(their colonial masters).
Look at the injustice and genocidal acts that Britain helped Nigeria accomplish during the Nigeria-Biafra civil war. Britain stood behind their creation (Nigeria) while they killed over 3.5million innocent Biafrans, even some African countries ignorantly participated in such barbaric acts against the Biafran people. If only Africa knew what Biafrans were fighting for, if only they knew that through Biafra, Africa would have been truly liberated, they would have joined forces with Biafrans to break the strong hold of the British government in Africa. Look at other countries in Africa that were also affected badly because of foreign interference. What has United Nations truly done for Africa? What has Europe truly done for Africa? What has America truly done for Africa? Instead what they take from us is more than what they give to us. Giving us weapons to keep killing ourselves, is that help? Always making sure they give us a fraction so that we can keep coming to ask for more, Nonsense! Nigeria is the pride of Britain, in their eyes, Nigeria is still their wonderful creation and their strong hold in Africa, and they will not stand and watch their influence in Africa destroyed by the breakaway of Biafrans.
Biafrans call on every African country that think it’s time to break this bondage of our colonel masters over the people of Africa, should please stand with Biafra because Biafra is the key to restoring total freedom and dependability to all African nation. When Biafra finally breaks the limitation place on them by Britain all African Nation will finally be liberated and free to live their lives in peace and harmony, without any interference from any foreign government. Don't get me wrong, what am merely stating are evidence of facts going on in Nigeria under the influence of Britain. Most Africa leaders agree that Biafrans have the right to self-determination, therefore under no obligations should they been subjected to captivity.
But we need Africans and their leaders who believe in justice, equality, human right law, freedom and liberation, should please start speaking against the modern day slavery going on in Nigeria. Biafrans are very talented blessed and endowed. They are very hard working, courageous and kind. If not because of the tribalism, hatred, jealousy and envy demonstrated towards them by the Nigeria government, Biafrans would have created a great nation for Nigeria but all that is now in the past, we are no longer interested. Biafrans has set new records in the US and in the UK in education, in science and in technology, if given the opportunity through Biafra, Africa will see light. Biafra is the key to restoring light to Africa, and when I mean light am talking about, room for inventions, total freedom, Peace, tranquility, overall Development in African Nation, infrastructures, serenity, security, true justice and liberation to African Nation.
Britain created Nigeria not just for the oil wealth they were going to acquire but also to stop Biafrans from showing the world their true capabilities and also to gain control of Africa through Nigeria, that was why the so-called Nigeria was called "THE GIANT OF AFRICA". Africa needs to wake up, how long can we continue to sleep and let our colonel masters gain total control of us? How long? We need to break that chain of limitation placed on us and show the world our true capabilities. Biafrans have been fighting for a long time now for self-determination and they are very close to having a sovereign state of Biafra, and once that is achieved it will break the influence of European and Western control in Africa.
It will open doors to other Africa Countries to feel free to fight for their rights and gain total freedom from their colonel masters. But president Buhari who is tyrant, dictator and Africa hitler keep killing Biafrans who keep protesting for their freedom. He ordered his armed forces to shot at sight, whenever they come across any Biafran wearing a Biafra cap, shirt, symbol or even have an app of Biafra on their phones. Just less than a year he came into office, he has killed over 4000 Biafrans. That why I write this letter to my fellow Africans, so that they can observe the injustice and wickedness going on in Nigeria. We need Africans to know the pains and suffering we Biafrans are passing through in Nigeria. Other countries in the world have successful breakaway through self-determination, so why can't Biafrans do the same?
Richard West, a British journalist, during the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, was so captivated by the meticulous nature with which Biafrans conducted the affairs of state that he wrote a widely article in which he lamented: "Biafra is more than a human tragedy. Its defeat, I believe, would mark the end of African independence. Biafra was the first place I had been to in Africa where the Africans themselves were truly in charge".
This is why I call on all Africans and Africa leaders who believe in equality, fairness to all and total liberation to please stand with Biafra in this fight for freedom. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, GOD BLESS BIAFRA, GOD BLESS AFRICA!
One thing we Biafrans should know today, there is no honest speaking leader in Africa. All had lost ancestral truth and become mafians in offices. it is very clear to western powers that if Biafra is liberated a lot of their atrocities in Africa will automatically come to an end.AU knows the evil Nigeria have been commiting against Biafrans and entire world were silent because Buhari had bribed all their allies who helped them to defeat Biafrans during the civil war that claimed 3million souls of Biafrans, that is why the guiltiness for killing the IGBOS did not allow the to blame Buhari for these current atrocities.
ReplyDeleteOne thing we Biafrans should know today, there is no honest speaking leader in Africa. All had lost ancestral truth and become mafians in offices. it is very clear to western powers that if Biafra is liberated a lot of their atrocities in Africa will automatically come to an end.AU knows the evil Nigeria have been commiting against Biafrans and entire world were silent because Buhari had bribed all their allies who helped them to defeat Biafrans during the civil war that claimed 3million souls of Biafrans, that is why the guiltiness for killing the IGBOS did not allow the to blame Buhari for these current atrocities.
ReplyDeleteWhether they talk or not, GOD is on throne he has answer our prayer
ReplyDeleteGod Bless #Biafra, May God Bless Our #Motherland Mama Africa. May God Bless Us All. It's Biafra Or Death.
ReplyDeleteWe must continue to reach the world including the African communities, and mainly the non Islamic African ethnicity and country like Congo, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, South Africa, maybe Ghana and also the Caribbean and all other countries We may have perceive friendly. I don't trust or think any call for an Islamic African country support will bear any fruit. However, the truth must be told. This article is nothing but a "Call For The Light". Africa Wake Up NOW!!!