By: Richard Izuchukwu Oragwuncha
For Family Writers
The heart is an organ in the body scientifically proven to being in-charge of circulating blood all over every other parts/organs of the body. Literally, it is also believed to being in-charge of what so ever a man conceives be it good or evil. The brain reasons, the heart conceives. Reasoning is an act of one’s brain deliberating over a matter and fore-seeing its aftermath but the heart is with which this decision is conceived until the time it will be carried out. At this juncture, I think conscience is based on the content of the heart. Literally, a wicked person is been referred to as a heartless man but this terminology is purely ironical as no man would be with life if he is without a heart that means every man has a heart but the ability to ignoring/carrying-out its content makes one good/evil respectively for no man is born wicked but wickedness is about choice.
What is ONE NIGERIA worth when the blood of her innocent citizens are being split everyday in a selfish quest to its continuity? Is slaughtering this people a measure to their plights including the killing of nursery school toddlers? There have been continued massacres of innocent civilians across the eastern part of the so called Nigeria (Biafra Land). These are people that have been forcibly annexed into the Nigerian state after a bloody three years civil war mated out jointly against them by the world powers and the Nigerian federal government. This war consumed the lives of over 3,000, 000 Biafran civilians including women and children and also, a deliberate war crime of food blockade was used to hasten-up the massacre.
These same Biafrans finally accepted their fate and are communally rated today the number one that contributes to the betterment of Nigeria not until they realized that their effort is up until now almost insignificant. Oppression and marginalization of the Birafran people is the paramount concern of the Nigerian federal government. This have resulted to a renewed agitation for the restoration of the Republic of Biafra and supposedly in a civilized and a democratic community, they are to be protected by the police and be followed carefully so that they don’t go out of order but the reverse is the case as the police in collaboration with the military are shooting at unarmed protesters with live bullets resulting to a continued killing and inflicting of tremendous injuries on many. All these are in the name of keeping Nigeria one but the question remains, is keeping Nigeria one worth the lives of harmless civilians that are exercising their rights to expression?
What is the duty of the police in a community? The major duty of the police in a community, is to maintain law and order and will always make s
ure that the lives and properties of the citizens of the said community are saved at all time.
What is the duty of the Military in a society? The duty of the military in a society is to fight against any military or terror attack against the said community at all time be it domestic or foreign. This groups are been paid and their arms purchased with the money generated from the taxes and revenues that the citizens of the said community pay to their government but by the end of the day, this people are feed and empowered to turn the same arms against the people they are supposed to be protecting with the arms. These sounds as if it is happening in an animal kingdom if any ever existed/exists but it is happening in one Nigeria. All these justifies the fact that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s observation before he referred Nigeria to as a zoo and Nigerians as monkeys and baboons was and is perfectly correct.

The 9th day of February 2016 was another day the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (Oha-ma-dike 1) was again arraigned in court for an alleged treasonable felony case since he was arrested by the Nigerian DSS in October 2015. The IPOB members were in the streets once again in solidarity and ten persons were recorded killed, a school set ablaze and over forty persons injured. This may have sounded so impossible to some persons living in countries were democracy is been practiced, but this is happening life in a demonic contraption called Nigeria.
Genesis 6:5-6: “(5)The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time (6) The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. To approve of this scripture a fact, even the great leaders of the world and the great leaders of different religious denominations have kept mute just for one selfish reason or the other or for one supposed global system of boundary issues, human lives are now worthless. This is a global wickedness at its peak against the Biafrans and not until the leaders of these religious denominations that preaches love, peace and respect for human lives start’s speaking against these atrocities against the Biafran people, they don’t have any massage for their followers any more. Let’s not all forget so quickly, anything that originally left the earth for a higher height will definitely return to the earth irrespective of time. This wickedness will always and forever have an after effect.
By: Richard Izuchukwu Oragwuncha
For Family Writers
The heart is an organ in the body scientifically proven to being in-charge of circulating blood all over every other parts/organs of the body. Literally, it is also believed to being in-charge of what so ever a man conceives be it good or evil. The brain reasons, the heart conceives. Reasoning is an act of one’s brain deliberating over a matter and fore-seeing its aftermath but the heart is with which this decision is conceived until the time it will be carried out. At this juncture, I think conscience is based on the content of the heart. Literally, a wicked person is been referred to as a heartless man but this terminology is purely ironical as no man would be with life if he is without a heart that means every man has a heart but the ability to ignoring/carrying-out its content makes one good/evil respectively for no man is born wicked but wickedness is about choice.
What is ONE NIGERIA worth when the blood of her innocent citizens are being split everyday in a selfish quest to its continuity? Is slaughtering this people a measure to their plights including the killing of nursery school toddlers? There have been continued massacres of innocent civilians across the eastern part of the so called Nigeria (Biafra Land). These are people that have been forcibly annexed into the Nigerian state after a bloody three years civil war mated out jointly against them by the world powers and the Nigerian federal government. This war consumed the lives of over 3,000, 000 Biafran civilians including women and children and also, a deliberate war crime of food blockade was used to hasten-up the massacre.
These same Biafrans finally accepted their fate and are communally rated today the number one that contributes to the betterment of Nigeria not until they realized that their effort is up until now almost insignificant. Oppression and marginalization of the Birafran people is the paramount concern of the Nigerian federal government. This have resulted to a renewed agitation for the restoration of the Republic of Biafra and supposedly in a civilized and a democratic community, they are to be protected by the police and be followed carefully so that they don’t go out of order but the reverse is the case as the police in collaboration with the military are shooting at unarmed protesters with live bullets resulting to a continued killing and inflicting of tremendous injuries on many. All these are in the name of keeping Nigeria one but the question remains, is keeping Nigeria one worth the lives of harmless civilians that are exercising their rights to expression?
What is the duty of the police in a community? The major duty of the police in a community, is to maintain law and order and will always make s
ure that the lives and properties of the citizens of the said community are saved at all time.
What is the duty of the Military in a society? The duty of the military in a society is to fight against any military or terror attack against the said community at all time be it domestic or foreign. This groups are been paid and their arms purchased with the money generated from the taxes and revenues that the citizens of the said community pay to their government but by the end of the day, this people are feed and empowered to turn the same arms against the people they are supposed to be protecting with the arms. These sounds as if it is happening in an animal kingdom if any ever existed/exists but it is happening in one Nigeria. All these justifies the fact that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s observation before he referred Nigeria to as a zoo and Nigerians as monkeys and baboons was and is perfectly correct.

The 9th day of February 2016 was another day the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (Oha-ma-dike 1) was again arraigned in court for an alleged treasonable felony case since he was arrested by the Nigerian DSS in October 2015. The IPOB members were in the streets once again in solidarity and ten persons were recorded killed, a school set ablaze and over forty persons injured. This may have sounded so impossible to some persons living in countries were democracy is been practiced, but this is happening life in a demonic contraption called Nigeria.
Genesis 6:5-6: “(5)The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time (6) The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. To approve of this scripture a fact, even the great leaders of the world and the great leaders of different religious denominations have kept mute just for one selfish reason or the other or for one supposed global system of boundary issues, human lives are now worthless. This is a global wickedness at its peak against the Biafrans and not until the leaders of these religious denominations that preaches love, peace and respect for human lives start’s speaking against these atrocities against the Biafran people, they don’t have any massage for their followers any more. Let’s not all forget so quickly, anything that originally left the earth for a higher height will definitely return to the earth irrespective of time. This wickedness will always and forever have an after effect.
We Biafrans were the lost tribe of Israel, the number (12) is now complete, lost but found. I tell you solemnly that Biafra is already restored. Like my dad always say to me my son why worry? The thought of God is not the thought of man, you will wake up one morning to see jubilation on the streets, market places wherever. Biafra has been ordained by God, the I AM that I AM, the Alpha and Mega, the begining and the end. I am a Biafran. We are victorious and triumphant ise ise ise. Be still and know that i am God. Exodus 14:13. Nigeria has already expired
ReplyDeleteWe Biafrans were the lost tribe of Israel, the number (12) is now complete, lost but found. I tell you solemnly that Biafra is already restored. Like my dad always say to me my son why worry? The thought of God is not the thought of man, you will wake up one morning to see jubilation on the streets, market places wherever. Biafra has been ordained by God, the I AM that I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the begining and the end. I am a Biafran. We are victorious and triumphant ise ise ise. Be still and know that i am God. Exodus 14:13. Nigeria has already expired. Always remember to pray for our leader and spiritual director Mazi Nnamdi Kanu1 Onu nae kwuru oha1 Africa is a gun, Biafra is the trigger/pace setter and south Africa is the force. Its time for Africa God have kept a record of our suffering and the record of our sins...God bless Biafra God bless mama Africa, we are the apple of God's eye amen.
ReplyDeleteThe worst-case is that all media and human or animal right organizations has sold their conscience by turning their faces to the other side.blatantly refused to mention what is going on in the Eastern Nigeria.
ReplyDeleteThe Nigerian State under this military president Buhari does not understand constitutional democracy, rule of law, human rights, freedom of speech, etc. He's a crude and evil dictator. Agitation for Biafra freedom is not going to work using peaceful protest - not in a zoo Nigeria with an evil and crude military dictator as the president. He'll continue to kill innocent and peaceful protesters with his ignorant, evil and wicked army. We have to rethink strategy to accomplish this much needed freedom from the Hausa/Fulani/Yoruba oligarchy. The Bible tells us: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery” - Galatians 5:1. The Lord is your strength.