By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers
Biafrans living in Nigeria are now living like animals waiting to be slaughtered by the Nigeria government and her forces. I thought after the civil war, the massacre of the Biafran people that took the lives of over 3.5million Biafrans will by now be stopped, I thought by now world leaders who sided with Nigeria to conduct the massacre would have learnt from their mistakes and not stay silent, I thought that countries who looked away and watch while innocent Biafrans were massacre during the 1967 civil war would have gained consciousness, I thought United Nations stood for peace, equality, justice and love for all, I thought the international human right laws were just and fair to all, oh I thought, I thought and I thought. But of course the killing still continued after the civil war, the massacre hasn’t stopped.

After the civil war that claimed 3.5million lives of the Biafran people, close to 900,000 lives have been destroyed and murdered by the Nigeria government. Before the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, the Hausa-Fulani’s kept invading the homes of Biafrans, raping their wives, children and killing husbands who stood to defend their families, this was reported to the Nigeria government but they turned deaf ears. Nnamdi Kanu brought this to the notice of the United Nations, The National Human Right Laws, The United States of America and even the British government, but what did they all do? Nothing, they did absolutely nothing. They stood in silent and observed the killing of Biafrans by the Hausa-Fulani’s and the Nigeria government. But when Nnamdi Kanu stood up and said enough is enough and said Biafrans can no longer keep quiet and watch while their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers was close to been exterminated, what happened? Nnamdi Kanu was arrested and jailed by President Mohammdu Buhari, while the British government, United Nations and The international human rights stood and did nothing.
They distanced themselves and watch as the Nigeria government, tortured and violated Nnamdi kanu rights to freedom of speech and his rights for self-determination. Now since after his arrest the killing of Biafrans still continued, over 700 Biafrans have been killed since the arrest of Nnamdi kanu and yet the world leaders, United Nations, The International human rights law, United State of America and Britain are all staying silent. If you readers have observed how I keep mentioning, The UNITED NATIONS, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT LAW AND BRITIAN, I do so not because am pleading for their support or asking them to help Biafrans but because these are countries and organizations, who were meant to stand for what is right and just, they were meant to fight for those oppressed by a government and also make sure any leader who turns into a tyrant or a dictator is either removed or called to order, after all its the United State of America that preached about democracy and the right to freedom of speech. The UN for example was set up to come to the aid of folks like the Biafran people and also put to order countries like Nigeria and leaders like Mohammdu Buhari who are way over their heads in terms of violence and constant violation of human right law, But its seems as if countries like USA, UK and organizations, like EU, UN, Human rights are full of discrimination and are been biased. They always to seem to select those worthy of their help or is it because Britain is a strong part of the UN and also an ally to America that's why no help is coming to the Biafra people.
Britain colonized Nigeria, therefore wouldn't support any break up or support the need for Biafrans to seek for a sovereign state, but I have got news for the British government, the American government, United Nations and The International Human Right Law, your silent will not stop Biafrans from seeking a sovereign state nether will it stop Nigeria from breaking up. Biafrans have had enough from the Nigeria government and will no longer fold their hands and watch while they are been slaughtered on a daily basis. Am writing this with a broken heart because it gives me great pain to keep observing the killing of my people and do nothing, I can no longer stand and watch while they are been deprived of their rights and I have vowed within myself not to plead with Biafrans to maintain peace but to exercise their rights to self-defence.
I have written many open letters to Biafrans asking them to maintain peace but now am telling them to express their rights to self-defence, we have stayed silent for too long all in the name of keeping the peace and been diplomatic, but we must now speak the language the Nigeria government understands, which is violence. Shame on the Nigeria government, Shame on the lunatic Buhari, shame on those cowards that call themselves the Nigeria army and armed forces, cowards who flee when fighting Boko-Haram but shot and kill unarmed civilians, idiots and bastards who ran away when they hear Boko-haram but beg the united states and united kingdom to give them weapons to fight against unarmed IPOB and the worse thing is that the US and UK always seem to oblige them. This is the time for all Biafrans to rise and defend themselves.
We can no longer fold our arms and watch while Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigeria government plan to exterminate us. We need to stand up and fight for our rights, because we can no long wait for the United Nations, United States, The international Human Right Law and let alone Britain to come to our rescue. We have written to the EU, UN, US, UK and world leaders for help and yet they haven't respond and our people are dying on daily basis. We need to fend and stand for ourselves because Biafra is our last hope for a better tomorrow. God have given us Biafra and it’s left for us to either take it in peace and if taking it in peace doesn't work, we take it by force. God almighty is with us and he will continue to guide and lift us up because at the end Biafra will be ours. God bless you all and bless the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BIAFRA!
By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers
Biafrans living in Nigeria are now living like animals waiting to be slaughtered by the Nigeria government and her forces. I thought after the civil war, the massacre of the Biafran people that took the lives of over 3.5million Biafrans will by now be stopped, I thought by now world leaders who sided with Nigeria to conduct the massacre would have learnt from their mistakes and not stay silent, I thought that countries who looked away and watch while innocent Biafrans were massacre during the 1967 civil war would have gained consciousness, I thought United Nations stood for peace, equality, justice and love for all, I thought the international human right laws were just and fair to all, oh I thought, I thought and I thought. But of course the killing still continued after the civil war, the massacre hasn’t stopped.

After the civil war that claimed 3.5million lives of the Biafran people, close to 900,000 lives have been destroyed and murdered by the Nigeria government. Before the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, the Hausa-Fulani’s kept invading the homes of Biafrans, raping their wives, children and killing husbands who stood to defend their families, this was reported to the Nigeria government but they turned deaf ears. Nnamdi Kanu brought this to the notice of the United Nations, The National Human Right Laws, The United States of America and even the British government, but what did they all do? Nothing, they did absolutely nothing. They stood in silent and observed the killing of Biafrans by the Hausa-Fulani’s and the Nigeria government. But when Nnamdi Kanu stood up and said enough is enough and said Biafrans can no longer keep quiet and watch while their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers was close to been exterminated, what happened? Nnamdi Kanu was arrested and jailed by President Mohammdu Buhari, while the British government, United Nations and The international human rights stood and did nothing.
They distanced themselves and watch as the Nigeria government, tortured and violated Nnamdi kanu rights to freedom of speech and his rights for self-determination. Now since after his arrest the killing of Biafrans still continued, over 700 Biafrans have been killed since the arrest of Nnamdi kanu and yet the world leaders, United Nations, The International human rights law, United State of America and Britain are all staying silent. If you readers have observed how I keep mentioning, The UNITED NATIONS, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT LAW AND BRITIAN, I do so not because am pleading for their support or asking them to help Biafrans but because these are countries and organizations, who were meant to stand for what is right and just, they were meant to fight for those oppressed by a government and also make sure any leader who turns into a tyrant or a dictator is either removed or called to order, after all its the United State of America that preached about democracy and the right to freedom of speech. The UN for example was set up to come to the aid of folks like the Biafran people and also put to order countries like Nigeria and leaders like Mohammdu Buhari who are way over their heads in terms of violence and constant violation of human right law, But its seems as if countries like USA, UK and organizations, like EU, UN, Human rights are full of discrimination and are been biased. They always to seem to select those worthy of their help or is it because Britain is a strong part of the UN and also an ally to America that's why no help is coming to the Biafra people.
Britain colonized Nigeria, therefore wouldn't support any break up or support the need for Biafrans to seek for a sovereign state, but I have got news for the British government, the American government, United Nations and The International Human Right Law, your silent will not stop Biafrans from seeking a sovereign state nether will it stop Nigeria from breaking up. Biafrans have had enough from the Nigeria government and will no longer fold their hands and watch while they are been slaughtered on a daily basis. Am writing this with a broken heart because it gives me great pain to keep observing the killing of my people and do nothing, I can no longer stand and watch while they are been deprived of their rights and I have vowed within myself not to plead with Biafrans to maintain peace but to exercise their rights to self-defence.
I have written many open letters to Biafrans asking them to maintain peace but now am telling them to express their rights to self-defence, we have stayed silent for too long all in the name of keeping the peace and been diplomatic, but we must now speak the language the Nigeria government understands, which is violence. Shame on the Nigeria government, Shame on the lunatic Buhari, shame on those cowards that call themselves the Nigeria army and armed forces, cowards who flee when fighting Boko-Haram but shot and kill unarmed civilians, idiots and bastards who ran away when they hear Boko-haram but beg the united states and united kingdom to give them weapons to fight against unarmed IPOB and the worse thing is that the US and UK always seem to oblige them. This is the time for all Biafrans to rise and defend themselves.
We can no longer fold our arms and watch while Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigeria government plan to exterminate us. We need to stand up and fight for our rights, because we can no long wait for the United Nations, United States, The international Human Right Law and let alone Britain to come to our rescue. We have written to the EU, UN, US, UK and world leaders for help and yet they haven't respond and our people are dying on daily basis. We need to fend and stand for ourselves because Biafra is our last hope for a better tomorrow. God have given us Biafra and it’s left for us to either take it in peace and if taking it in peace doesn't work, we take it by force. God almighty is with us and he will continue to guide and lift us up because at the end Biafra will be ours. God bless you all and bless the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BIAFRA!
The white man can not give us biafra. We must fight to get our freedom
ReplyDeleteThe white man can not give us biafra. We must fight to get our freedom
ReplyDeletePlease let Biafrans adjust their mindset,we're at war,mind your movement, observe civil defence,mind how you talk in public,cos we are at war any moment from now.
ReplyDeleteF**k peaceful protest enough is enough freedom is not given, freedom is taking by force. I urge the leaders of IPOB please do the needful thing stop the so called peaceful protest becos the so called world leaders don't care how many people the Nigeria soldiers killed in name of peaceful protest for the restoration of our father land (BIAFRA). It's Time To Confront The Enemies Eye For An Eye, Face To Face, Head To Head, Toe To Toe, bullet by bullet, blood by blood. I'm a fighter I believe in the eye for eye business. I got no respect for a man who won't hit back when the enemy attacked him. You killed my dog you better hid your cat. In Africa we don't march for freedom we fight for freedom. Quote me right.
ReplyDeletePresident John F. Kennedy, once said, “The cost of freedom is always high but Americans have always paid for it. And one path we shall never choose and that is the path of surrender, or submission.” The Lord is your strength.
ReplyDeleteBiafrans can no longer be taken hostage, otherwise we crush every living things in the ZOO to dust, second world in hiroshima japan!
ReplyDeletewe need weapons to fight 4 our freedom..
ReplyDeleteI challenge our boys to action we will jot declare gull scale frontal war but subversive activities like Niger Delta militants and boko haram re doing to draw attention.
ReplyDeleteTeams of boys do whatever they can do to disturb the police and army,identify anyone that kill a peaceful demonstrator,kill him or his children or wife then others will be scared to do similar things.They have kids in the University or secondary school too.