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Saturday, 6 February 2016



By Ifeanyi Chijioke
(For Family Writers)

This self-quote sums it all up “Whenever the judiciary is seen as a threat, then a dictator is groaning, he is groaning because he feels uncomfortable with rule of law. It appears more or less like the law ruling him is an abuse of his leadership and hence he strive to rule the law and the people”
  “A dictator is often celebrated at the initial time in a setting crippled by corruption, he dares execution of culprits to the yearning of the people before consuming the people” the reality is that Buhari is gradually destroying Nigerians and the imminent destruction is setting Biafrans against Nigerians in what might be a brutal face-off.
Nigerians are shouting sai Buhari thinking corruption is being wiped out but seriously, Buhari is wiping out corrupt people that are his enemies while corrupt people that are his friends carry on with corruption.

Every Nigerian is a corrupt person, corruption should be fought and killed or stopped, not killing corrupt people, by way of killing corrupt people then all Nigerians including Buhari should be killed. While the presidency is urging Nigerians to support his war against his enemies that he termed corrupt people without fighting corruption itself, they should be mindful of the dictator.

The judiciary being the problem of Buhari, two things are involved, kill the judiciary, if killing the judiciary will be impossible, neutralize or control the judiciary. These two options are what Buhari’s groan is all about, once he gets the objective, he will rest and be satisfied, era of mild dictatorship or technical dictatorship will be implemented.

Now, few Nigerians enjoy and praise a dictator for his dictatorial dispositions against Nnamdi Kanu they see as enemy, a dictator always enjoy dictatorship, Nnamdi Kanu will go and Buhari will neither stop being a dictator, hence that time, Nigerians will be on the receiving end of dictatorial dispositions. I will not pray for a change of treatment on Kanu because Buhari will restore Biafra for Biafrans through illegal handlings and violations of rights.

However, going by Buhari’s media chat, he reinstated his resolve to overlook the order of the judiciary which does not favour him, he vowed never to release Nnamdi Kanu and felt that the judiciary is hampering his good plans for Nigeria. In what looks like a drama, John Tosho is complimenting Buhari’s position. Today he has noted publicly that Judiciary is his problem and as a man, he would take care of his problem by bringing the judiciary to his order.

This declaration has met silence, the press in Nigeria who for some time now failed to be patriotic and proactive in protecting human right against incessant abuse by Buhari have kept mute once again. The dictator is winning the war, human right and independence of the judiciary is being a thing of the past and disappointedly, we sat down watching everything that guaranteed freedom of mankind drifting away. The purpose of education and the press is to fight such move as we are experiencing in Nigeria, the purpose of the press is to protect Nnamdi Kanu anywhere, the Nigerian press has failed this generation.

Judiciary is Buhari’s headache, the breaking of the judiciary is underway and nothing can stop it, the judiciary will imprison Nnamdi Kanu for him and then under his control and order imprison more Biafrans perceived to be propagating the right to self-determination. Some Nigerians ignorant of process believe that Nigeria is a sovereign state that can do anything that pleases her without any institution or people and other countries interfering, however this drives them to freely kill and maim Biafrans without pity and objected Referendum which is often solution to determined agitation for freedom.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, if mankind keeps quiet and watches evil freely glow and glow, it would fester, the light will touch everywhere and leave the world in a sour state. There is urgent call for men of goodwill to rise up and condemn evil, we have to rise up in protection of the judiciary for the judiciary is the last hope of common man, without the judiciary, men shall go back to the era of being prey to political leaders.


  1. May Chukwuabiama bless you, my brother.
    Nwa Chineke.

  2. May Chukwuabiama bless you, my brother.
    Nwa Chineke.

  3. Lovely food of thought. You made a lot of sense and pointed out some fundamental issues threatening the rights and dignity of people.


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