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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Buhari Promised Ogoni People 3.6 Billion Naira Yearly To Sabotage Biafra

 Buhari Promised Ogoni People 3.6 Billion Naira Yearly To Sabotage Biafra

In desperate attempt to subdue Biafra restoration, the Buhari led government has once again made a false pledges to our brothers and sisters in Ogoniland.

Buhari pledges to give 3.6 Billion Naira yearly to Ogoni people not to support Biafra . And additional 1 Billion if there are no sabotage on oil flow.

This promises are coming when our cousins in Ogoniland and our South-South brothers are coming out in full force to support the restoration of their fatherland Biafra.

Buhari has used and continue to use all manner of evil tactic to destroy what Chukwu Okike Abiama has ordained, few Biafrans and indeed Nigerians were aware that the former British Prime Minister was in Igweocha (Port Harcourt) just few weeks ago to promise our brothers in riverine areas the British support in developing their land.

One would ask, why now? does it mean that the British government was not aware that these people in South-South have been suffering since the creation of this evil contraption called Nigeria?

After Tony Blair left Igweocha, the genocidist Yakubu Gowon was sent to the same Igweocha all in a bid to destroy all the efforts our Ikwerre, Ijaw other brothers from Rivers State and surrounding have achieved so far in restoring Biafra.

As their evil plans to destabilize Biafrans effort in restoring God’s Kingdom on earth have been wasted, the father of all evil Obasanjo was sent to ABA, Abia State to bribe some of the men that were parading themselves as Eze, Chiefs and Igbo leaders. The question Biafrans are asking now is, WHO IS THE NEXT demon Buhari will sent to Biafraland to destabilize our quest for freedom?

Biafrans are wise now, they can not use money that is coming from our land to divide us again in a bid to continue ruling us and destroying our land with their divide and rule tactics.

They have concluded plans to make Lagos state a “Semi Autonomy” so that they can destroy all the Biafran businesses and impose high taxes, high accommodation rates and making life unbearable to Biafrans living in Lagos.

The question our brothers from the South-South are asking the government of Buhari is, what happen to the Amnesty program the government of Yar’adua put in place for them? Of course that is no more because the same Buhari stopped the Amnesty program last December. The same way he will stop any promises made to you now in just few years to come.

For the past 7 years of Amnesty program, what have it achieved in the lives of South-South people? The answer is nothing, zero. Instead they have used that to kill more of our brothers, sisters and elders.


  1. please my brothers from the so called south south, please there is nothing like south south in the first place, who dont they have west west or north north, ndi oshi...thieves. brothers please do not let these people buy you with money please. lets unite forever. biafra we will die with. i am from ibibio

  2. I better die supporting the restoration of Biafra than living in Nigeria.But i've not gotten any answer to these few puzzling questions of mine;why are we the Ogonis called traitors just because Ken Saro Wiwa asked the lot of ogonis should they support Biafra war then which he didn't get a favorable answer making him to support Nigeria.Nnami Azikiwe was never called a traitor despite his support for one nigeria during the civil war,a respected figure as he was then.Could this be a lingering hatred our eastern neighbours had and still having towards us?Why were the Ogonis treated with disdain and marginalised during the eastern regional government knowing we share common beliefs and culture?Garrick Leton an Ogoni man was a member of the bomb making squad but his efforts are not recognised.Recently Ogoni is not on the Biafra map,does this means the ogonis are to be under PHC province when small clans like degema and ahoada are not equal to us in size.God Help Us.

    1. Bro those where the past,we all are one,and will remain one,we have Come to realise that no body from biafra Land is against biafra even if some of them are quite waiting for that right time,God bless us all

    2. Not correct Zik, was placed under house arrest during the Biafran war because he was supporting Nigeria.

  3. All their evil plans against biafrans shall never never work . God will scatter them .

  4. BUHARI was one of the people that advised ABACHA TO KILL OUR BROTHER KEN SARO NWIWA ,when he was the PTF chairman because,according to him BUHARI, OIL sabotage from the Ogoni people was disturbing his PTF; Now, BUHARI has remembered the same Ogoni people, without even saying sorry ,for been part of the Hausa Fulani that killed Ken Saro Nwiwa, just because he was agitating for the GOOD OF HIS PEOPLE, LIKE BIAFRA (THE ENTIRE OLD EASTERN PART OF NIGERIA) IS AGITATING NOW. MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF BIAFRA, AN OGONI PERSON IS QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT WHEN BIAFRA COMES. The Hausa Fulani CAN NEVER DECEIVE US AGAIN. THE BLOOD OF KEN SARO NWIWA AND OTHERS KILLED BY THE HAUSA FULANI ARE CRYING, AND FOR THAT, WE THE BIAFRIANS MUST CONTINUE TO AGITTATE UNTIL OUR LANDS ARE FREE FROM THESE MURDERERS OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS.


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