Willie Obiano use blockade to frustrate Biafrans entering Anambra state.
By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
(For Family Writers)
What am witnessed and experienced on my way to Anambra is very frustrating and very annoying, I spent close to more than 4hours before I could even get to the onishta head bridge because of traffic caused by the Blockade and it was very exhausting, frustrating and painful, even the vehicle I enter was bashed by a trailer luckily for us only the passengers windows got broken and damaged, we spent extra 1hr30 trying to come to an agreement with the driver who drove the trailer.
All this caused by the wickedness bestowed on us by Willie Obiano. The army on the order of Wille Obiano who is the slave of Buhari, have decided to frustrate a lot of Biafrans returning to Biafra land, all in the name of security. A lot of people were harassed and humiliated by the Nigeria army just because they are going back to their fathers land. They use blockades to intimidate and assault people going back home to Biafra land and lot of people complained to me that they even spent up to 6hours all in the name of stop and check as the Nigeria army, just from Asaba to Onishta. Some of the people traveling said they witnessed the Nigeria army extorting a lot of people at the check points.
Franking speaking this is uncalled for, why should they continue to treat us as slaves and thieves in our own fathers land? They refused to allow us express our rights in Nigeria and now that we are going home to spend time with our love ones, they still decide to embarrass, torment and taunt us. What more can they do to us that they haven't done already? They have killed us, injured us and jailed us without for no just reason and now they want to continue to make our lives a living hell even in our own homelands. Why should our own be any different? People travelling to west or the North are not been tortured and humiliated like we going to the east, such things can't even dare happen in the north, so why should it keep happening here? Honestly those of you who still criticize us, you only need to come down here and experience what we are going through, its hell in cell here. The facts and evidence are all here? So why should this keep happening? The roads that lead to the east are so terrible that I witnessed 3 different accidents that claim goods and lives of people traveling on my way to east.
What more do the Nigeria Government want from us? The way the Nigeria government keep treating the Igbo-speaking Biafrans is totally unacceptable and they should also take note that we are keeping tabs on them. All the wickedness happening in the eastern region can't even happen in the western or northern region because all hell would have broken loose but they feel we can keep doing whatever they like with us. Please I just want to use this media to inform all those traveling to the eastern region most especially Anambra state, please make sure u have enough fuel in you vehicles because of traffic and make sure your cars are well serviced and equipped so as to not get stranded because of bad road and also have enough money on you to pay those cheap bloodsucking people that work for the Nigerian Armed forces who scam people at check points. And also be very careful. Because the traffic is also very horrible that accidents are happening because of that. All this the Nigeria Government is doing will not discourage us but make us stronger. And i believe that soon and soonest all this will end when Biafra comes.
By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
(For Family Writers)
What am witnessed and experienced on my way to Anambra is very frustrating and very annoying, I spent close to more than 4hours before I could even get to the onishta head bridge because of traffic caused by the Blockade and it was very exhausting, frustrating and painful, even the vehicle I enter was bashed by a trailer luckily for us only the passengers windows got broken and damaged, we spent extra 1hr30 trying to come to an agreement with the driver who drove the trailer.
All this caused by the wickedness bestowed on us by Willie Obiano. The army on the order of Wille Obiano who is the slave of Buhari, have decided to frustrate a lot of Biafrans returning to Biafra land, all in the name of security. A lot of people were harassed and humiliated by the Nigeria army just because they are going back to their fathers land. They use blockades to intimidate and assault people going back home to Biafra land and lot of people complained to me that they even spent up to 6hours all in the name of stop and check as the Nigeria army, just from Asaba to Onishta. Some of the people traveling said they witnessed the Nigeria army extorting a lot of people at the check points.

What more do the Nigeria Government want from us? The way the Nigeria government keep treating the Igbo-speaking Biafrans is totally unacceptable and they should also take note that we are keeping tabs on them. All the wickedness happening in the eastern region can't even happen in the western or northern region because all hell would have broken loose but they feel we can keep doing whatever they like with us. Please I just want to use this media to inform all those traveling to the eastern region most especially Anambra state, please make sure u have enough fuel in you vehicles because of traffic and make sure your cars are well serviced and equipped so as to not get stranded because of bad road and also have enough money on you to pay those cheap bloodsucking people that work for the Nigerian Armed forces who scam people at check points. And also be very careful. Because the traffic is also very horrible that accidents are happening because of that. All this the Nigeria Government is doing will not discourage us but make us stronger. And i believe that soon and soonest all this will end when Biafra comes.
who is this obiano that keep treating his people in name of house slave to please his slave master cant anambra ppl take him away from that seat