By Ifeanyi Chijioke
(For Family Writers)
When the news of the purported media chat came up, I laughed because Muhammad Buhari will disgrace Nigerians once more. Like a genuine prophet it happened just as I predicted, aside the sick grammar, the president doesn't know the currency France uses now and that of Germany as well, the Nigerian president is still existing in 80s. I refused to watch the chat on television as I followed all online media publications, I can tell how the pedophile was sitting, standing and talking. The imagery in his words speak volume of his mind, answering questions with questions, feeling like the strongest man on earth nobody can control even the court, telling Biafrans go to hell, you people thought I won't be president, today I am president and you people can kiss the transformer. The presidency is a dream come through, for years he has been searching for it, he would first handle his enemies and then do what he wants without being listening to anyone.
Flout court orders and debunk press, talk without second thought as nobody can hold him to account. I have few concerns in this show of disgrace, my Yoruba friend, an unemployed graduate who studied public administration, had told me how he would be managing the 5000 stipend till he gets a job, he just called me and said " not all that glitters is gold, the promise don turn 419, what do I know about farming in the north?" that is his own cup of tea, my people are killed and neglected, I have much to worry than him. Buhari said, that one called Kanu, do you know he has two passports, a Nigerian and a British one, he came into Nigeria without any of them, he further said, these people have committed atrocities against this country, Nnamdi Kanu shipped in transmitter he uses in preaching hate messages. Buhari is really a daft; one would start to question his ability or knowledge of governance and modern world.
Is having two passports a crime? Questioning how Kanu came into Nigeria, is Kanu a migrant? Importation of transmitter, is that a treasonable felony? If radio Biafra is so illegal or a threat, it can be dismantled by writing with evidence to British government. It is high time we stood against dictatorship and anarchy or we lose our lives. Buhari noted without remorse that he Buhari will not allow Nnamdi Kanu jump bail, it is also important to let Buhari know that court unconditionally released Kanu not bail. This is a clear sign of dictatorship Nigerians have refused to admit, Buhari is the judiciary and executive, shortly he would legislate. Nigeria is losing it democratic essence and going by Buhari's speech, only arms can solve any problem in Nigeria. Boko haram is listened to, militant is listened to but protesters are not listened to, they should take up arm if they need attention.
It more or less appears like Buhari is hiding his true feelings or pressure from Biafra agitation that he tends to play hide and sick with it, whatever the case is, Nigeria should get ready for total anarchy that will be responded with equal measure. Buhari the uneducated pedophile was further asked about the marginalization of Biafrans, in as much as he answered question with question, it stands to prove that Buhari is not aware that there is no federal presence in Biafra land. The pedophile failed to grasp that no federal road is built, no federally driven infrastructures or social amenities, neither is there any federal seaport or international airport. As mayhem draws closer, let everyone remember this day and let all witnesses say silence played a role.
Nigerians don’t ask questions; that is why the imams and the pastors lead them by the nose, and the politicians also complete their humiliation and disempowerment. And between the clerics and the political functionaries, there is a very close liaison. It’s a kind of power structure; one controls the political, social realm, the other controls the spiritual, metaphysical realm and they are together. Many Nigerians are not rational, interrogative people. In fact, in this country today, if you are the interrogative type you are easily labelled, branded, and condemned. People even wonder: why are you always asking questions?"
ReplyDeleteBuhar's Illiteracy level is becoming alarming!. He displayed crass ignorance of multiple proportions. I now believe that this man has never sighted the four walls of education.What is the treason in importing "sophisticated" transmitters.Have transmitters become AK-47 and Bombs. He could not even show some diplomacy and subtleness in disobeying court rulings.Is this man the best presidential material that Nigeria could produce? I am ashamed of being a Nigerian.
ReplyDeleteIf our youths are not fools, Nigerian government will not have the guts to release this letter to the public even if it is genuine or not. It is a vindication for Nnamdi Kalu that he is fighting for our future generations and that he is not selfish. What an illiterate regime.
ReplyDeleteI totally agreed with you and to add a note and I quote: remove the little piece of sand in your eye before seeing the block in another persons eye.Obviously some will get my thought wrong but wait till i land. it hurts to see what is happening in that country call Nigeria and I think its time the reality takes over the illusion. say the truth and be a free man the ''ohanaeze party''is the sole problem of all Mazi Kanu's case and an urgent actions needed to be taken.
DeleteWhat do you expect from a man they describe as brain dead .
ReplyDeleteWe are talking about the lack of federal infrastructures and high unemployment plus high level of urban migration in Ibo land and this fool is talking about how many ministers in his cabinet. Buhari is like his brother who referred Fanta Orange as minaral resources. Change my ass
ReplyDeleteOnly God will interven in this matter, remember what happened to Pharaoh and nebukadinezer the king of babilon,buhari may think he is all but remember the eyes of God is upon his people.