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Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Shapps, another lying devil from Britain

Shapps, another lying devil from Britain
By Tim Tochukwu

On October 22, 2015, Harriet Herman, a Member of British Parliament (MP), wrote a letter to Philip Hammond, United Kingdom’s (UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. She also wrote to some other important British authorities. The letter was a request seeking to know what the British had done (or was doing) about the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, Director of Radio Biafra and leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) by Nigerian government on Saturday, October 25, 2015. Harman, representing Camberwell and Peckham, sought also to know why Kanu, who is a British citizen, was arrested on Saturday, October 17, 2015. Part of her request read: “I understand Nnamdi is the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) who are agitating for the independence of Nigeria’s former Eastern Region. I’m told that the pro-Biafra group is non-violent and therefore should be afforded protection under Article 1 of the charter of the United Nations. “I’d be grateful if you could let me know your understanding of what Nnamdi has been arrested for, what he might be charged with, where he has been held and what consular engagement there has been” she asked. Grant Shapps, who is British Minister of State, chose to respond to the request, and in doing so attempted some explanations. Part of what he explained was that “The UK fully supports the territorial integrity of Nigeria and President Buhari’s commitment to work for a secure and prosperous Nigeria and all Nigerians. We share the concerns of President Buhari and all Nigerians about threats to Nigerian stability and are working with Nigeria to help tackle these threats, including Boko Haram. We are not aware of any institutionalized persecution of any people by the Nigerian authorities. “The position of the British Government during the Biafra war is a matter of historical record.

Our position which reflected the Charter of the Organisation of African Unity was to recognize the borders laid down at independence. There is no question that the Biafran war caused great suffering. The UK supported the reconciliation work that followed the conflict and continues to support efforts to reduce violence in Nigeria.” We choose to take Shapps response and make few comments on them. But before we do that we understand that British High Commission in Nigeria, has used the same words, the lines, and the same sentences to address the same issue. We know that in addressing Shapps, we are also addressing the High Commission. After careful reading of the letter, one truth sticks out like a sore thumb. That truth is that Shapps neither explained his understanding of what Nnamdi was arrested for, nor what he might be charged with. He did not even state where Nnamdi was being held and what consular engagement was taken place regarding the arrest as Herman requested. The first thing Shapps wrote on was about Nigeria’s territorial integrity. Interestingly, that has nothing to do with the subject of the request that was made. His words on that were: “The UK fully supports the territorial integrity of Nigeria and President Buhari’s commitment to work for a secure and prosperous Nigeria and all Nigerians. We share the concerns of President Buhari and all Nigerians about threats to Nigerian stability and are working with Nigeria to help tackle these threats, including Boko Haram. First of all, he should be ashamed that upon all the British support for Nigeria all these years, the country has been left in shambles. Year in and year out, Britain have lifted oil and gas from Nigeria (which is actually from Biafraland) without accounting for it. In other words what British support meant was the dubious contraption it created and called Nigeria to steal from Biafrans and bring to them.

Nigeria has consistently dipped from one level of poverty to another, thanks to Shapps and his so-called UK support. But now, what Biafrans want to know from Shapps and his British colleagues is whether his own country – Britain – did not have a territorial integrity to protect when they granted Scottish people the right to hold a referendum on September 18, 2014, to determine whether they still wanted to remain in the United Kingdom or not. Why did the UK not arrest Alex Richmond who led the campaign for independent Scotland so as to protect the territorial integrity of Britain? If that was not done in Scotland, why is it now a huge reason to support the arrest and detention of Nnamdi Kanu? That is British hypocrisy at its best. Indeed, Shapps proved himself to be another lying devil from Britain because he was asked a question about Kanu’s fundamental human rights that were being trampled upon by the satanic regime in Nigeria, but he chose to drivel about British support for Nigerian. What a shame! So Mr. Shapps, what has territorial integrity of Nigeria got to do with the arrest (some people call it kidnap) and detention of Nnamdi Kanu? Was there no territorial integrity for Britain and in British lexicon when the British government granted Scotland to hold that referendum? Why permit referendum in Britain while denying Biafrans the same right? Why permit self-determination in Britain while denying Biafrans the same right? Was there no territorial integrity for African countries when Eriteria and South Sudan gained independence? Shapps tried to explain British position on Biafra/Nigeria war, which Britain aided Nigeria with everything at its disposal to kill more than five million Biafrans between 1967 and 1970. He said, “The position of the British Government during the Biafra war is a matter of historical record. Our position which reflected the Charter of the Organisation of African Unity was to recognize the borders laid down at independence. There is no question that the Biafran war caused great suffering.

The UK supported the reconciliation work that followed the conflict and continues to support efforts to reduce violence in Nigeria.” But the truth is that there has always been one people (one side), perpetrating violence in Nigeria, and that people are the Fulani people using their gullible Hausa foot-soldiers. The other truth is that there has always been one people (one side) suffering Fulani violence in Nigeria, and those people are the Biafrans. But in spite of everything, Britain has always been in support of the North to kill Biafrans (either through government or private actions). Put differently, British support of Buhari (a certified terrorist) is a support for violence and conflict. Shapps, why not tell the world how Britain prepared the ground for all these violence and atrocities the Fulani people have perpetrated against Biafran people since 1914? Why not tell the world how Britain rigged the Nigerian census to grant the North fake majority, and how Britain advised Northern leaders to flood the military with their wards, even those without educational qualifications like Buhari. Why not tell the world the British reason for locating all the military installations in the North before independence? Was it not to use them to crush the Biafrans at the appropriate time, because they have always been the ones that opposed your colonial and parasitic presence in Africa? Why not tell the world that the crushing of Biafrans actually took place between 1967 and 1970, and that more than five million Biafrans died. Why not tell the world that the support you pledged to give Buhari is to make sure that stolen Biafran resources continues to flow to your country from Nigeria. Shapps, we put it to you that whatever violence that ever occurred in that abominable contraption called Nigeria, which Britain created for its exploitative tendencies, has always been supported by Britain. We therefore make bold to state that while Biafra war cause suffering, that Britain caused the war and sustained the suffering. Shapps declared: “We are not aware of any institutionalized persecution of any people by the Nigerian authorities.”

This is another height of British hypocrisy. Is Shapps saying that Britain was not aware that the oil and gas they have been lifting from Nigeria (without meter) was being stolen from Biafra by the Fulani controlled Northern Nigeria? Is he saying he was not aware that the stealing was made possible by the forged document Britain helped Nigeria to foist on the people, which they dubiously call Nigeria’s 1999 constitution? Is Shapps saying Britain is not aware that Nigerian rulers criminally took over the peoples land with a unilateral law called “Land-use Decree”, which they later incorporated into the dubious Decree 42 they call 1999 Constitution. Is this Shapps telling the world he does not know that since 1966, Nigeria has never been a federation as they led the world to believe, but a unitary state for the benefit of control and exploitation? Let us therefore lecture Shapps a little on the atrocities his country has aided Fulani people to commit in Nigeria (especially in Biafraland) under the guise of one-Nigeria and territorial integrity. In 1960, Nigeria was a federation of four constitutions – The Federal Constitution (for the central government); the Eastern Region Constitution; the Western Region Constitution; and the Northern Region Constitution. Later, Mid-Western Region was constitutionally created to make it four regions and five constitutions. But today we have one constitution, which is the forged document that has allowed Britain, through Fulani people of the North to steal Biafran resources. Eventually through British promptings and support, the Fulani North unilaterally – through violence and decrees – butchered the country into 36 states that were nothing more than mere appendages to the central government.

Now, out of those 36 states, one region (the North) has 19 states while the rest (East, West, Mid-west) has 17 states. And the lying devil says his UK is not aware of any institutional persecution. So, Mr. Shapps, what other institutional persecution are you looking for when revenues, stolen from Biafraland, are shared according to the number of states a region has. Be reminded that this lopsidedness also goes for local governments and number of representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives. Mr. Shapps what other institutional persecution are you looking for when decision in the National Assembly would be voted under such a structure? Perhaps you are also pretending you do not know that Nigerian Police and Armed Forces have been killing Biafrans at every slight opportunity to they find to intimidate and terrorise them, and remind they that they were conquered people. Biafrans are not safe in their land today, not only because aliens who have nothing in common with them have been forced to dominate them and steal their resources and take away jobs from their land in the process. They are not also safe because Nigerian Police and Military find joy in shooting and killing them in their land for no just reason that they are Biafrans. Shapps only wants to deceive the world by pretending that he is not aware that more than 2030 none-violent Biafran agitators have been murdered by Nigeria since 1999. He is pretending that he does not know that scores of Biafran activists were apprehended in Anambra State on January 2013, murdered and dumped in Ezu River. Just recently, September 17, 2015, Nigerian Navy (operating on land) and Nigerian Police shot and killed three Biafrans, and injured many who were on a peaceful march sharing fliers to their people. But UK, with its ubiquitous High Commission in Nigeria, claims it not aware of such atrocities. Where were they when Buhari bombed Akwa Ibom water front to kill innocent women and children with the claim of bombing kidnappers.

Shapps, are you telling the world that you are not aware that scores of Biafrans are still in various detention centres around the contraption you created and called Nigeria, even now, and being held under many dubious guises. Shapps, how does Nigerian territorial integrity nullify Nnamdi Kanu’s right to freedom of expression and fair hearing? How does it take away the right of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) from determining how they wished to be governed as granted by the United Nations Charter on Indigenous Peoples rights of 2006? Shapps, it was your country, Britain urged Yakubu Gowon and his henchmen (Buhari was one of them) to slaughter more than five million Biafrans from 1966 to 1970, yet you claim you are not aware of such atrocities. Mr. Shapps why are you lying and pretending that you did not know that what you call Nigeria today and ascribe territorial integrity to, was a forced union in 1914 which was given a lifespan of 100 years of existence. Biafrans today want out of it. What Biafrans are asking for is to be left alone. They want to be left alone the way they were before Britain came to force them into the same country with the Fulani peoples and their Hausa stooges – who do not mean good for them. Biafrans are saying that such people as Fulani and Hausa are leaches that must be taken away from their land. Biafrans are not looking for Fulani land, or Hausa land, or Yoruba land. They just want to be left alone in their ancestral land that their God gave to them.


  1. Outstanding.. I wish this could be submitted and sent to the British High Commission!

  2. Britain and deception,what a tragedy!One thing remains and stands the test of time-TRUTH! only TRUTH! People like Shapps and a country like britain may not want to hear it ,but the TRUTH must be told! With the weapon of TRUTH ,Biafra shall be free!

  3. It's a shame that a civilized country like Britain could be so casual about indigenous people . Worst still, tell lies to cover up evil. People from Brirain should condemn leaders like Shapps.

    1. Britain, your lies and pretence has been now exposed, give up and allow Biafrans their freedom or else face God's wrath.

  4. PRAYER OF LAMENTATION TO CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA OVER HIS SERVANT & OUR BELOVED DIRECTOR NNAMDI KANU IN THE HANDS OF OUR ENEMIES!!! By all corners of the world and scattered areas of the zoo called nigeria,there the anguished voice of the children of light echoed in pain as they groped in grief, remembering Biafra their promised land. For on those strange lands their enemies demand drops of their sweat and blood, working to develop their territories only for them to be reminded continually that they are only but vagrant strangers. O Chukwuokikeabiama,how could we be allowed to lavish your gifts,talents and dexterity in us on foreign land while your kingdom on earth;Biafra lies in abandonment? Tufiakwa. Aru! How could we eat and worship you when your humble but formidable servant Nnamdi Kanu starves and under torture in the hands of our enemies -Paedophile Buhari's nigga area(nigeria) and his agents of darkness? If we forget you O mother Biafra and turn our back to our Director Nnamdi Kanu, let our memories on this earth be obliterated as a lesson to our great grand generations! Should we in any way forget or relent on this struggle or do not set Biafra over and above individual or group interests and comfort, let our right hand wither O God our saviour! Remember O God of Abraham, Isaac,Jacob and David the day our enemies touched your anointed servant Nnamdi Kanu;how they said kill him kill him, destroy him and his followers will scatter. Cursed, iniquitous blood sucking,dream shattering corruptive contraption of a zoo;nigeria, how happy shall they be who pay you back hundred folds the injustice and atrocities you have done to the children of light;Biafrans! Happy shall they be who stifle life out of you nigeria, and make you bleed to death, a necessary death that will free God's people Biafra from evil damnation which nigeria represents. Surely, your ears are not too closed neither your hands too short to hear and rescue us O God of Biafra. Grant us this and more for we entreat in the name of ChukwuokikeabiamaISE......ISE......ISE !!!!!

  5. PRAYER OF LAMENTATION TO CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA OVER HIS SERVANT & OUR BELOVED DIRECTOR NNAMDI KANU IN THE HANDS OF OUR ENEMIES!!! By all corners of the world and scattered areas of the zoo called nigeria,there the anguished voice of the children of light echoed in pain as they groped in grief, remembering Biafra their promised land. For on those strange lands their enemies demand drops of their sweat and blood, working to develop their territories only for them to be reminded continually that they are only but vagrant strangers. O Chukwuokikeabiama,how could we be allowed to lavish your gifts,talents and dexterity in us on foreign land while your kingdom on earth;Biafra lies in abandonment? Tufiakwa. Aru! How could we eat and worship you when your humble but formidable servant Nnamdi Kanu starves and under torture in the hands of our enemies -Paedophile Buhari's nigga area(nigeria) and his agents of darkness? If we forget you O mother Biafra and turn our back to our Director Nnamdi Kanu, let our memories on this earth be obliterated as a lesson to our great grand generations! Should we in any way forget or relent on this struggle or do not set Biafra over and above individual or group interests and comfort, let our right hand wither O God our saviour! Remember O God of Abraham, Isaac,Jacob and David the day our enemies touched your anointed servant Nnamdi Kanu;how they said kill him kill him, destroy him and his followers will scatter. Cursed, iniquitous blood sucking,dream shattering corruptive contraption of a zoo;nigeria, how happy shall they be who pay you back hundred folds the injustice and atrocities you have done to the children of light;Biafrans! Happy shall they be who stifle life out of you nigeria, and make you bleed to death, a necessary death that will free God's people Biafra from evil damnation which nigeria represents. Surely, your ears are not too closed neither your hands too short to hear and rescue us O God of Biafra. Grant us this and more for we entreat in the name of ChukwuokikeabiamaISE......ISE......ISE !!!!!

  6. Shapps you are not just a lair but the Devil. God has seen and noted all your lies against Biafrians and Biafra. God will punish you and your generation. Mark my words, from now onward as I invoke the anointing of my ministerial ordination, you life will turn to be miserable. I send to you cancer, let the spirit of death rest and possess you from now in the name of Jesus, AMEN.


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