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Friday, 6 November 2015

Breaking News: The Indigenous People of Biafra filed a lawsuit against Nigeria and Buhari at International Criminal Court

The Indigenous People of Biafra have retained lawyer Prof. Dr. Göran Sluiter to file a complaint against Nigerian President Buhari before the International Criminal Court

The indigenous people of Biafra have retained Dutch lawyer, Prof. Dr. Göran Sluiter. He has been instructed to file a criminal complaint against Nigerian President Buhari before the International Criminal Court (ICC), on account of crimes against humanity.

The people of Biafra, living in the South of Nigeria, have been trying to exercise their right to self-determination for decades now. They have been systematically oppressed by the Nigerian government and have suffered serious human rights violations, amounting to crimes against humanity. With the election of new Nigerian President Buhari, violence and crimes committed against the people of Biafra have intensified. This is exemplified by the recent unlawful arrest and detention of Biafra’s leader, mr. Nnamdi  Kanu, since 14 October 2015.
Prof. Dr. Sluiter is convinced that there is more than enough evidence to have the ICC Prosecutor conclude that the people of Biafra are the victim of crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC and that President Buhari plays an essential role in these crimes. He also points out that the situation in Nigeria –including other crimes committed by Buhari, namely the electoral violence of 2011- has been under preliminary examination of the ICC for some time now and that the moment has come for the Prosecutor of the ICC to launch a full criminal investigation.

The criminal complaint will be finalized on short notice and will –in the interests of justice and transparency- be made available to the public.



  1. Yes ! It is REALLY time to bring down the pedophile .

  2. What I believe is that we are not one because anywhere the south east or south south go, they can easily settle there, make friends and I have check it, its hard for an Hausa man to built in south South or South East because they believe one day this nation will split and now wr have found so many skeleton on their cupboard and demand for division. UN should grant us that for Christ sake.

    1. An hausa man or yoruba man cant build in either south east or south bcos u pple arenot accomodating. Come to yoruba land u will c ibos buying land and buildind bcos we r accomodating same in the north. Even this biafra u pple r shouting u r nor one igbos are diff from ijaws.itsekiri.calabar etc. I give biafra 2 yrs before it will collapse

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We want to be free we are Biafrans.


  6. Free biafra. Freedom is what we need.

  7. This is the best move to make, surly bihari and the zoo must fall

  8. Biafra will explore every options and this is one of them....

  9. Biafra must be from bondage and oppression

  10. Biafra must be from bondage and oppression

  11. Free Nnamdi KANU, Free Biafra. Go Nigeria we are tired of extra judicial killings and criminallism.

  12. Buhari and Nigeriain Government's Subjugation and all kind of inhuman treatment perpetrated amongst Biafrans is unacceptable and must stop ICC should please look into the plea of Biafrans all over the world

  13. I fear for this Biafra oo, are u sure u will stand as one? reading from most of ur comment most of u are already seeing other tribes as minority, plus u keep saying igbo speaking Biafrans, so what do u want other tribes to believe? u have not even started yet u are already intimidating other tribes with ur comments forgetting that the first time Biafra started with Ojukwu and ibebio man that actually die for this course while Ojukwu escape. na wa to una oo. u have not started yet and u are already doing what u people are complaining Nigeria to some tribes with ur comments.

    1. No wonder you answer Anonymous, for your info, Igbo is Biafra and Biafra is Igbo. nothing differ ok.


  15. NNAMDI KANU and BIAFRA must be free whether they like it or not no story.


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