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Saturday, 28 November 2015


By Ifeanyi Chijioke
(Family Writers)

Is UN 2007 declaration on the rights of indigenous people a fraud? Was domestication of the charter by AU which includes Nigeria a mere act, false or force move? Where are human right organizations and Non Governmental Organizations? Where is Amnesty International, International criminal court, United Nations, Christian Nations? The silence is deafening and evil is being nurtured, the act of keeping mute when a prisoner of conscience is being molested publicly is crime against humanity. Recall that DSS had last month secretly bundled Nnamdi Kanu from his hotel lodge to their detention facility, they refused to declare or announce his arrest until Radio Biafra did. They were disappointed because the initial plan was to kill him but Chiukwuokikeabiama (God the creator) saved his child. Frustration began to set in when the information was aired, they cannot kill him any longer and by virtue of 247UREPORT the DSS became divided, some want him dead at all cost while some sees no reason for his arrest.

Since Nnamdi Kanu was detained there have been rumoured act of torture and force, many people doubted it until the drama that took place on the court premises. Nnamdi Kanu despite being a disciplined prisoner, a prisoner of conscience and political prisoner, innocent of all the charges leveled against him. The DSS had finally brought him to the court after months in their dark dungeon, Nnamdi Kanu was denied of every fundamental right, not allowed to keep fit, see his relations nor take care of himself. His unshaved beards and hair were sufficient evidence, searching longingly for his family members to be motivated, a huge terrorist in a DSS form assaulted him, fiercely and grudgingly dragged him without regard into their waiting car. Nnamdi Kanu dared him by posing for engagement but the young vibrant leader of indigeonous people of Biafra was subdued and dragged squeezing by his shirt into the waiting car.

Being assaulted publicly what then is going on privately, what will their interrogation be like? Will it be more fearsome than the usual actor and boss foreign films we watch where actor will be caught and tortured immeasurably? How long must barbarism be endured and allowed to overwhelm this part of the world? What is UN waiting for before they aid the oppressed who they legally mandated to aspire for self-determination? The silence of the world in 1967 is creeping in, what is our sin? Why are we hated? We are ready to confess and turn a new leaf hence the world will take note of our human form and rights. We were killed in millions and being killed again, our own being illegally detained and assaulted for no apparent reason, relegated to the status of slaves as a result of 1967 conquest. We have raised no gun nor bomb, we have confronted nobody nor people, we have only criticized the incompetence of  a state and laid bare the wickedness and lies of people, we have only solicited for help to defend ourselves against Boko haram, for how long shall this go on while men if goodwill and conscience stand aside and look. Nnamdi Kanu's health is in decline and the law must be ruthless against the breakers of it, Nigeria must tread cautiously and save the world some embarrassment, the barbarism of Islam being shown mildly by Buhari must be contained before it plunges Africa into a terror haven.


  1. I read your write up with keen is worthy to know that what you agitated for is welcome under human rights law.
    But,you just displayed your barbarism with your moronic attitude in your conscious write ups where you wrote and I quote "the barbarism of ISLAM being shown mildly by Buhari".
    If you had presented your headless agitation without mentioning ISLAM,maybe,just maybe the world would have listen.
    ISLAM has got nothing against you and your selfish believes. You are a house divided by itself.sought your grudges without including ISLAM,because you brought all these upon yourself not the other way round.

    1. It's quite unfortunate that you chose to pick a single statement from this whole write up to base your hatred for Biafrans. With your response which represents the exact thoughts and feelings of most Niger-areans towards Biafrans, we feel nothing less than the desire to be separated from you by achieving our motherland Biafra. Just to refresh you memory; we are not divided among ourselves, rather the British taught you the divide and rule tricks which Niger-area have used on Biafrans and Biafran territories before now, but as you can see, it's over because we have woken up to what we are known for: being our brothers keeper and I know this is your worst nightmare.

  2. I read your write up with keen is worthy to know that what you agitated for is welcome under human rights law.
    But,you just displayed your barbarism with your moronic attitude in your conscious write ups where you wrote and I quote "the barbarism of ISLAM being shown mildly by Buhari".
    If you had presented your headless agitation without mentioning ISLAM,maybe,just maybe the world would have listen.
    ISLAM has got nothing against you and your selfish believes. You are a house divided by itself.sought your grudges without including ISLAM,because you brought all these upon yourself not the other way round.

    1. Is that red-capped man not a Muslim? Or is Muslim different from Islam? Answer the questions urgently!

    2. Is that red-capped man not a Muslim? Or is Muslim different from Islam? Answer the questions urgently!

    3. Do you call yourself lanre ganiu? Very well. Such BOLD DISPLAY of #BIAFROPHOBIC sentiments that extuded from you was not unexpected. So it is with any other disgruntled non #Biafrans in that contraption you call Nigeria. Now is 21st centurry, as you know. It can NEVER be 1966-1967-1970 era again. If you cannot stand Free #Biafra era, you may well wish to kill yourself off.

  3. When buffoons with chronic hatred for a people speaks one needs no jupiter to tell where he is coming from. Yorobber backstabbers will always be what they are known for. You embecilic moron only picked your slave masters religion to buttress your endemic hatred for children of light. You shall continue to see our write-ups/articles shaming this animal kingdom you call niGERia and the monkeys and baboons that lives in it. How many hausa fulani asses have you licked today?

  4. Chinwe Korie u made my day... finish them off... some1 asked him a question, am still waiting for his response b4 I pour my venom on that bastard called Lanre....


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