By Oscar Onyeani Umah
(For family writers)
What is more heart breaking than when a simple TRUTH is covered and denied all in the name of One Nigeria,In the recent killing of innocent defense-less and promising young men and woman at Onitsha on the 30th of August 2015 was one in the series of killing perpetuated against the people of BIAFRA by the Nigerian police and army at the river Niger Bridge, when our youths who were coming back from or on peaceful evangelism were attacked with live bullet by the group of stupid, untrained and unqualified military/police/navy men just for being Biafrans killing many and leaving scores wounded and many who are still been treated in an undisclosed location in Ontisha because the so called zoo hospitals refused to treat them unless certificate are provided as been order from above, it should be noted here that anyone who in one way of the other has contributed to the death of any Biafran will live to pay for it just very soon, It’s time we are allowed to separate ourselves from the contraption we have been in for a very long time (100yrs) for that matter and if nothing good can be said about zoo all this while not now that there will be any good thing to come out of zoo.

But today am shock at the rate in which the so-called Nigerian police whom we trust our live and security can come out in the international media with such great denial that nothing of such took place, has eventually draw our mind back to the day which was TAG BLACK SUNDAY. I am not surprised at all because just one week after that faithful day a newspaper report had made a head way in dancing to the tune of their leaders published an article by a (stomach journalist) through The Punch denying and turning the truth of the events that happened in the open to the detriment of their pay master.. http://www.punchng.com/news/navy-denies-killing-massob-members/ with lies and I asked myself …Where is the FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT AND ASSOCIATION ENTRENCHED in their constitution and chartered by the UNITED NATION? Who will fight for us if not CHUKWU ABIAMA
Today as we speak under the governance of Mohammed Buhari, Church are closed down, Seminary School has been shut down all in the quest to Islamized Nigeria, so don’t we have Fundamental Human Right in Nigeria, I call on all Human Rights Activist the United Nation and world Christian Council to rise and fight for us. It should be put on record that this struggle has been ranging for a very long, the killed us in Enugu and the killed us in Onitsha all because of the TRUTH that our able Director brought to bear and which is the only thing that will lead us to the promise land and it’s on this note that I call on all well meaning people of Biafra home and Abroad to step up this struggle. LET US STEP UP THE HEAT FOR ITS ONLY THIS HEAT WILL THE zoo fall on its feet. There is no going back from this struggles is either Biafra or death, but we are peace loving people and in case were peace failed forced will be applied. I call on all NATIONS who support the struggle of good fight that the time has come for a newest nation to be born from the EAST (BIAFRATHE RISING SUN)
By Oscar Onyeani Umah
(For family writers)
What is more heart breaking than when a simple TRUTH is covered and denied all in the name of One Nigeria,In the recent killing of innocent defense-less and promising young men and woman at Onitsha on the 30th of August 2015 was one in the series of killing perpetuated against the people of BIAFRA by the Nigerian police and army at the river Niger Bridge, when our youths who were coming back from or on peaceful evangelism were attacked with live bullet by the group of stupid, untrained and unqualified military/police/navy men just for being Biafrans killing many and leaving scores wounded and many who are still been treated in an undisclosed location in Ontisha because the so called zoo hospitals refused to treat them unless certificate are provided as been order from above, it should be noted here that anyone who in one way of the other has contributed to the death of any Biafran will live to pay for it just very soon, It’s time we are allowed to separate ourselves from the contraption we have been in for a very long time (100yrs) for that matter and if nothing good can be said about zoo all this while not now that there will be any good thing to come out of zoo.

But today am shock at the rate in which the so-called Nigerian police whom we trust our live and security can come out in the international media with such great denial that nothing of such took place, has eventually draw our mind back to the day which was TAG BLACK SUNDAY. I am not surprised at all because just one week after that faithful day a newspaper report had made a head way in dancing to the tune of their leaders published an article by a (stomach journalist) through The Punch denying and turning the truth of the events that happened in the open to the detriment of their pay master.. http://www.punchng.com/news/navy-denies-killing-massob-members/ with lies and I asked myself …Where is the FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT AND ASSOCIATION ENTRENCHED in their constitution and chartered by the UNITED NATION? Who will fight for us if not CHUKWU ABIAMA
Today as we speak under the governance of Mohammed Buhari, Church are closed down, Seminary School has been shut down all in the quest to Islamized Nigeria, so don’t we have Fundamental Human Right in Nigeria, I call on all Human Rights Activist the United Nation and world Christian Council to rise and fight for us. It should be put on record that this struggle has been ranging for a very long, the killed us in Enugu and the killed us in Onitsha all because of the TRUTH that our able Director brought to bear and which is the only thing that will lead us to the promise land and it’s on this note that I call on all well meaning people of Biafra home and Abroad to step up this struggle. LET US STEP UP THE HEAT FOR ITS ONLY THIS HEAT WILL THE zoo fall on its feet. There is no going back from this struggles is either Biafra or death, but we are peace loving people and in case were peace failed forced will be applied. I call on all NATIONS who support the struggle of good fight that the time has come for a newest nation to be born from the EAST (BIAFRATHE RISING SUN)
They hate biafrans. They don't want us to have control of our resources.
ReplyDeleteThe guns are in their hands.