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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Israeli government has accused Saudi Arabia and other wealthy Arab nations of using Syrian refugee crisis to spread Islam across Europe

Israeli government has accused Saudi Arabia and other wealthy Arab nations of using Syrian refugee crisis to spread Islam across Europe.

While European countries are being lectured about their failure to take in enough refugees, Saudi Arabia – which has taken in precisely zero migrants – has 100,000 air-conditioned tents that can house over 3 million people sitting empty.

The sprawling network of high-quality tents are located in the city of Mina, spreading across a 20 square km valley, and are only used for 5 days of the year by Hajj pilgrims. “For the rest of the year, Mina remains pretty much deserted” and has instead offered to build Mosques across Europe as her own contribution to solving the crisis.

Many have lost their lives in trying to reach European countries for a better life for themselves and their families. Recent images of a young boy, lying dead on a beach, have caused a new uproar asking Arabic nations to act.
air-conditioned tents

“We are ignoring the issue as a strategic maneuver. If these refugees go and settle in the west then they will take the beacon of light i.e. Islam, with them,” an official from the Saudi government said.

“What we are doing is waiting for them to set up camp so that they can show these infidel nations how to save themselves from kufr,” (Kufr means”denial of the Truth”) he said.


  1. Just take a look at their faces, you will see and you will understand that they are all aware of what they are doing in the name of fleeing refugees all over Europe. While they have a better place that can contain almost three million refugees, together with air conditions inside those tents, but their aim is to spread Islam the violent and worst religion ever!!, a religion where killing and spreading of blood is been valued on their side. The down fall of(Europe) all these countries is at hand and they should STOP accepting those so called refugees in their countries because, the ISIS shall soon over throw them and occupy their countries with violent, killing and blood shed on them.

  2. The Israeli-Palestinian strife is a standout amongst the most questioned and confounded clashes in the cutting edge world. It has numerous perspectives and nobody can really figure out who is correct or off-base. On the one side there is Israel and on the other the insubordinate Palestinian individuals, a youthful nation against a country without an area.

  3. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, this week (end of October) intensely proclaimed that Israel ought to be "wiped off the guide!" Next, Syria's President Bashir al-Assad's sibling and brother by marriage have been involved in the death of Lebanon's previous Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Without a doubt, President Bush pronounced both Syria and Iran the AXIS OF EVIL and conspicuously and over and again proclaims that we can no more endure their administrations all alternatives, as Condi Rice states, are "on the table." Meanwhile, "treasongate" runs widespread. It is safe to say that this is "thing" regularly going to end?


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