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Thursday, 17 September 2015


By Chima Onyekachi
(For Family Writers)

Sitting by my reading table searching for words to describe my anger and frustration, I want to cry but if I cry a river, will it be enough for the world to understand how much I want freedom? I am forced to be in a country where crude oil accounts for ninety percent of exports and two-thirds of government revenue but my mother still purchases imported kerosene for her stove. I am forced to be in a country where people die in the hospital because the nurses at the reception want to see cash or police report before attending to emergency victims. I am forced to be in a country where you speak the truth or listen to truth you will be declared wanted arrested and falsely imprisoned.

I am forced to be in a country where I am a target for massacre by Islamic jihadist because I carry a bible.  A cursed country called Nigeria where unemployment is a norm but the politicians keep getting richer. Unarmed innocent IPOB members on evangelism in Asaba have been detained, tagged violent and terrorist, were they arrested with arms? No! They were with fliers only, have they killed anybody? No! Why still detain them? In Onitsha, Governor Obiano the chief custodian of Anambra State has remained silent on the killing and hospitalizing of unarmed IPOB members who were on evangelism just like the Catalonians did in Spain recently.

In Aba,we are been arrested by the Nigeria police for listening to our favorite radio station, Radio Biafra. In Igweocha, my brothers are still been detained for over a week without any charge. How long shall I remain patient and watch the genocide of my people continue? I CRY FOR MY BIAFRA , and I will not be intimidated.  Every mortal human is destined to die and I believe in the scripture saying: "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent taketh it by force. I CRY FOR MY BIAFRA and I will fight for my freedom.

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