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Friday, 24 July 2015

Typical cowardly and wretched Igbo man shriveling at the sight of a cattle herder

Typical cowardly and wretched Igbo man shriveling at the sight of a cattle herder. This is the lot of idiotic Igbo men that ply the Abuja and Lagos route in search of vacuous relevance in the British Zoo in Africa. This cringe worthy picture should serve to remind all moronic Igbo One Nigerianists what has become of them for they have no shame, class nor honour. <!-- adsense —>In Biafra all men and women will be equal before the throne of heaven and the laws of man on earth. This act of neurotic sycophancy will be punishable by prison term in Biafraland.

1 comment

  1. Ojukwu did the same after Biafra war.


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